Best College Majors for Employment
Not only is getting into the right college important these days, but also choosing the right major is a main factor finding lifelong sustainable and financially rewarding employment. The old saying “do it right the first time, or it isn’t worth doing at all” applies here. A recent study from Georgetown has ranked the top college majors with the lowest unemployment rates for graduates. Part of the reason for the high scores is due to the fact that these programs of study are not a high percentage of the majors that college students are gravitating toward. Nonetheless, it bears keeping in mind that as more students do choose to enter these select fields, the numbers could change based on the basic laws of supply and demand. But for now, these are the top picks for college majors that will have you successfully employed upon graduation and the percentage of unemployed in each field of study:
1. Actuarial Science—0 percent
2. Astronomy and Astrophysics—0 percent
3. Educational Administration and Supervision—0 percent
4. Geological and Geophysical Engineering—0 percent
5. Pharmacology—0 percent
6. School Student Counseling—0 percent
7. Agricultural Economics—1.3 percent
8. Medical Technologies Technicians—1.4 percent
9. Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology—1.6 percent
10. Environmental Engineering, Nursing, and Nuclear Industrial Radiology and Biological
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In: Careers, Job Search Advice · Tagged with: Actuarial Science, Administration And Supervision, Agricultural Economics, Astronomy And Astrophysics, Atmospheric Sciences, Best College Majors, College Students, Educational Administration And Supervision, Geophysical Engineering, Georgetown, Graduates, High Scores, Laws Of Supply And Demand, Radiology, Rewarding Employment, Salary Information, Supply And Demand, Top College Majors, Top Picks, Unemployment Rates