Cartoon of the Day


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Posted on November 30, 2010 at 8:37 am by · Permalink · Leave a comment
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A Tale of Two CEO’s

This year Lola Gonzalez, CEO of Accurate Background Check of Ocala Florida had a difficult decision to make.  After crunching the numbers for her business, she determined that she would need to layoff one of her 8 person staff.  In a company employee meeting, she dropped the bombshell news that someone would have to be let go.  Her employees braced themselves to hear who it would be, and then much to their surprise, she announced that it would be herself that would be cut in order to save another person’s job.

The story is a little different with the CEO of Johnson and Johnson, William Weldon.  He has led one of the largest corporate layoffs in the country with 8,900 people losing their jobs in the last year.  During this time, Mr. Weldon earned over $22 million dollars for his efforts (more ceo salaries).

In both cases, each CEO did what he or she felt was right for their company and in one case, the CEO also did what was right.

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Extended Unemployment Benefits to Expire November 30th

Unemployed could lose jobless benefits

For millions of Americans, extended unemployment benefits will expire on November 30th.  Last week, a measure to extend the benefits under the current tier system was blocked by House Republicans.  These are the same individuals that would like to stop a proposed tax increase on individuals earning more than $250,000 per year.  They argue that this tax will end up stifling the creation of new jobs.  However, since this tax will only occur on amounts over $250,000, the reality is that money at that level is mostly put toward saving rather than being reinvested in the economy.

There does not appear to be a likelihood that unemployment benefits under the current tier system will be extended.  This is really a shameful situation in which people who have been laid off through no fault of their own, in an economy that is not creating jobs, will end up being denied this form of emergency assistance by people that themselves enjoy both job security and medical benefits for their families.  It clearly points out a lack of leadership, and an unwillingness to let go of party partisanship, to represent those in their districts that are facing economic hardship.  It is time for both parties to stop using the unemployed as political pawns and work together to prevent another 20 million Americans from losing this small form of emergency assistance that is keeping them afloat.

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