Job Resources for LGBT Employees
Echelon Magazine A Gay Magazine Serving GLBT Business Professionals.
Human Rights Campaign America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) advocacy group.
LGBT Career Link Links diversity-friendly employers with top LGBT talent.
ProGay Jobs Connects the GLBT workforce and employers seeking to hire from this diverse talent pool.
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In: Careers, Job Search Advice · Tagged with: Advocacy Group, Bisexual, Campaign America, Career Link, Career Links, Diversity, Echelon, Echelon Magazine, Gay Magazine, Glbt Business Professionals, Human Rights Campaign, Job Resources, Salary Information, Talent Pool, Top Jobs, Transgender, Workforce
Teacher Salaries Over $100K
Teacher salaries are usually not thought of as being in the six figure range, but it might be more common than you think. The Chicago Tribune has looked at 2008 to 2009 teacher salary information in the Chicago area and found that in the suburbs of Highland Park, Deerfield, Park Ridge and Hinsdale alone, over 40 percent of the teachers are earning over $100,000 per year.
The findings do support a large disparity between school districts, but those in higher earning areas quickly defend these large salaries as being justified and necessary to maintain the competitive test scores and rankings of the schools. These teacher salaries are all paid by public taxpayer money and do not represent any in the private education arena. Subjects taught by teachers in the over $100K category range from math and science, to art, history, music and special education.
This is good news for teaching as a profession. The higher salaries reflect the willingness for school systems to reward good teachers in higher performing schools. Teachers work on average between 9 and 10 months of the year, which highlights yet another nice perk of this profession.
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In: Careers · Tagged with: 10 Months, Art History, Category Range, Chicago Area, Chicago Tribune, Deerfield Park, Disparity, Education Arena, Highland Park, Hinsdale, History Music, Math And Science, Months Of The Year, Private Education, Salary Information, Special Education, Taxpayer Money, Teacher Salaries, Teacher Salary, Teaching As A Profession
Google Giving Employees 10% Raises and $1,000 Bonus
Google is bucking the trend of most companies trying to suppress salaries, by giving all of their 23,000 plus worldwide employees a 10 percent across the board pay raise as well as a $1,000 cash bonus. This is being done in an effort to reward employees for the company’s success as well as stabilize retention rates. The company has the temerity to realize that the key to their success is the very bright and talented people that work there.
Google recently posted a 32% increase in third quarter profits and is sitting on over $33 billion in cash. Other high tech Silicon Valley companies are always looking to attract top talent from leaders such as Google. In fact, Facebook credits 10 percent of their workforce as being former Google veterans. Maybe now they are starting to wonder if they shouldn’t have left.
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In: Business Stories · Tagged with: Cash Bonus, Facebook, Google, Quarter Profits, Retention Rates, Salaries, Salary Information, Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley Companies, Temerity, Workforce, Worldwide Employees