Fighting Afternoon Fatigue

It is very common to feel sleepy in the afternoon while at work.  While this condition is not at all abnormal in itself, there are things that we can do to minimize it and therefore become more productive. First we need to understand what might be causing us to feel sleepy.  There can be a number of reasons that range from not getting enough sleep the night before, to eating a heavy lunch or not having enough fluids in the body.


The type and quantity of food you eat at lunch can have a direct impact on how awake and alert you are going to feel in the afternoon.  One suggestion is to avoid lunch foods that are high in carbohydrates or laced with additives such as MSG which is present in many Asian foods.  Also avoid overeating which causes the body to devote too many of its resources to digesting the food and leaves you feeling tired.  Examples of good foods to eat at lunch include fruits, nuts or yogurt while avoiding such things as pasta, pizza or sugary foods such as cookies and doughnuts.  Stay properly hydrated with water or a sugar free beverage.

Combating Fatigue

A couple ways to fight the onslaught of sleepiness are to:

1.  Take a quick 20 minute nap to recharge your batteries

2.  Drink a tall glass of water or a caffeinated sugar free beverage.

3.  Get up out of your chair and take a walk, preferable outside in the fresh air.

4.  Take a daily multivitamin and exercise regularly.

If these changes prove ineffective in managing your afternoon fatigue, there may be a more serious underlying medical condition going on.  It would be advisable at that point to consult with your doctor to make sure there isn’t a more serious reason for feeling tired.


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The Ten American Industries Which Will Never Recover

As a result of research performed by 24/7 Wall St., there appears to be several sectors of the economy that have been so severely damaged by the economic collapse that they are in jeopardy of never recovering.  If other healthier sectors are unable to absorb these losses, then real recovery efforts for the US economy will certainly be hampered.

One obvious sector that has been severely hurt is the domestic auto industry.  Due to increased global competition, the jobs in this industry have been shrinking over the past decade and that trend is predicted to continue.

The second big sector to be hit is commercial and residential building, which has undergone massive layoffs due to the rise in inventory from defaults as well as the downward pressure on pricing that has depressed real estate values.

These are 10 Industries that will not likely recover:

1. State and local government

2. Construction.

3. Installation and Maintenance Services

4. Auto Industry

5. Pharma

6. Large Telecommunications Providers

7. Newsprint Media

8. Airlines

9. Real Estate

10. Walk-up Bank Tellers

source: axisoflogic

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Clemson graduates find jobs at twice the national average


Clemson University students are finding something new to brag about lately.  They are finding jobs at almost twice the national average for college grads according to a recent survey of graduating students.

Many of the respondents that have not accepted jobs were planning on attending graduate school.  For those entering the workforce, the starting salaries averaged $47,000.

Clemson has been attracting the attention of business leaders everywhere with an increasing reputation for high quality education as evidenced by its ranking as one of the top public universities reported by US News rankings of colleges and universities.


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