Using Social Media As A Career Tool
As the use of social media grows, recruiters are increasingly turning to these sites to screen potential hires. It is important to have a social website presence, but it’s important to have the right one. Here are just a few tips to make sure you’re sending the right professional messages: Establish a separate professional account […]
In: Careers, Job Search Advice, On The Job Advice · Tagged with: Career Tool, Embarrassment, job, Media Career, Photos, Professional Account, Professional Messages, Recruiters, Reputation, Rule Of Thumb, Salary Information, Showcase, Testimonials, Website Presence
Gas Prices Over The Last 30 Years
I thought it would be interesting to list the average gas prices by year going back thirty or so years. It seems now that we are inching toward $4.00 per gallon, it is a subject that is on everyone’s mind. All of us use gas either in getting to work or as part of our […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: Airlines Prices, Decades, Economy, Gas Prices By Year, job, Ripple Effect, Rising Gas Prices, Salary Information, Sensitive Industries, Trucking
A Tale of Two CEO’s
This year Lola Gonzalez, CEO of Accurate Background Check of Ocala Florida had a difficult decision to make. After crunching the numbers for her business, she determined that she would need to layoff one of her 8 person staff. In a company employee meeting, she dropped the bombshell news that someone would have to be […]
In: Business Stories · Tagged with: Accurate Background, Background Check, Bombshell, Ceo, Ceo Salaries, Company Staff, Corporate Layoffs, Difficult Decision, job, jobs, Johnson And Johnson, Lead, Led, Lola Gonzalez, Million Dollars, Ocala Florida, Person Staff, Salary Information, Staff Meeting, Surprise, William Weldon