A Tale of Two CEO’s

This year Lola Gonzalez, CEO of Accurate Background Check of Ocala Florida had a difficult decision to make.  After crunching the numbers for her business, she determined that she would need to layoff one of her 8 person staff.  In a company employee meeting, she dropped the bombshell news that someone would have to be […]

Extended Unemployment Benefits to Expire November 30th

For millions of Americans, extended unemployment benefits will expire on November 30th.  Last week, a measure to extend the benefits under the current tier system was blocked by House Republicans.  These are the same individuals that would like to stop a proposed tax increase on individuals earning more than $250,000 per year.  They argue that […]

Paycheck Fairness Act

The aim of the Paycheck Fairness Act is to eliminate the gender pay gap that exists between men and women in many companies and organizations today.  On average, women earn only 77 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn.  The bill has already received approval by the House and is awaiting passage pending approval […]

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